Online resources for the scaling process

 On-line generic tools and methods

Convince that radical transformation is needed: the breakthrough pitch
Stretch the sustainability ambitions of your organisation!

Download here the Volans breakthrough pitch that explains why radical transformations are needed for the sustainability revolution.

Select the type of mapping relevant to your system
Find here different types of system mapping and select the one relevant to your specific case

Design and improve collective impact
To achieve greater impact, collaboration is generally required. A number of simple rules help collaboration and designing processes that help increase a collective impact.

The Collective Impact Forum provides thought leadership and a set of toolkits that help organisations collaborate in the most efficient way. See here

Develop your theory of change
Setting up a Theory of Change is like making a roadmap that outlines the steps by which you plan to achieve your goal. It helps you define whether your work is contributing towards achieving the impact you envision, and if there is another way that you need to consider as well.

See the form available here and download it

Design processes dealing with complex and systemic issues
The Service Design Tools is a large collection of methods that help you analyse in depth all parts of a system and to design processes to transform it. The different methods are presented and case studies illustrate them.

Design your scaling up plan

The Gazelles resource centre provide a series of charts that help design a strategy for the scaling-up of initiatives. The Growth-Tool kit provides a series of templates to help you elaborate vision, strategy, action plans as well as an analysis of barriers and levers.

Guide to collective action
This guide has been developed through collaboration between Forum for the Future and Shell Foundation. It has involved more than 150 organisations from around the world interested in having a greater impact on the world’s challenges.The framework has 10 building blocks from challenge identification to mainstreaming solutions.

Investigate challenges and solutions: the impact gap canvas
The canvas is a tool that can be used by anyone who wants to understand the landscape of a problem and possibly identify some paths to a solution. The method starts with a mapping of challenges and possible solutions. It continues with the identification of the gaps between them: if solutions have been tested, why did they fail and what lessons can be derived from this? The tool can be a useful start into system mapping. See more here.

Develop an actor map
An actor map is a visual depiction of the key organisations and individuals that influence a topic, allowing insight into the players within a system. This tool is breaking down the mapping process into 3 stages—preparation, facilitation, and revision. The guide to download provides detailed instructions, helpful hints, and visual examples for practitioners to follow as they create one type of system map called an actor map.

Prepare your storytelling in 10 steps
Pitching your story is critical to your success. These 10 steps provided by the Content Marketing Institute will help you develop a way to structure your story, or perhaps to understand what is missing in your story.

On-line thematic resources

Suffizienz, Regeneration und gelingendes Leben

Suffizienz ist zusammen mit der Regeneration unverzichtbar, wenn wir die Belastungsgrenzen unserer Lebensgrundlagen nicht weiter überstrapazieren und alles Lebendige schützen oder bewahren wollen. Entgegen dem häufig negativen Verständnis von Suffizienz als Einschränkung oder Verzicht betonen wir die Vorteile einer Begrenzung auf das Notwendige für Wohlstand und ein gelingendes oder auch glückliches Leben und legen Gewicht auf die Dimensionen Sinn und Zeit. 

mehr… Whitepaper_ Suffizienz und gelingendes Leben_ 2023

What is the additionality of your greenhouse gas reduction project?

Combined tool to identify the baseline scenario and demonstrate additionality of a project as proposed by the UNFCCC

Other interesting links

Systemic approaches needed to address climate change

We Can’t Do It Ourselves

How to live a more sustainable life? This question generates a lot of debate that is focused on what individuals can do in order to address problems like climate change. For example, people are encouraged to shop locally, to buy organic food, to install home insulation, or to cycle more often. But how effective is individual action when systemic social change is needed? Individuals do make choices, but these are facilitated and constrained by the society in which they live. Therefore, it may be more useful to question the system that requires many of us to travel and consume energy as we do. Illustration: Diego Marmolejo. Climate Change Policies Policies to address climate change… Show more