The essence of scaling4good

Our Purpose & Mission

The purpose of scaling4good is to co-create ways to accelerate the pace of societal transformation towards a future in which every being can unfold its potential while contributing to the thriving of life on Earth as a whole.

Our mission is to connect, support and accelerate initiatives that drive the flourishing of humanity within the planetary boundaries. We support them both methodologically as well as practically in their efforts to increase their impacts and reach beyond their current scope.

scaling4good is a charitable (tax-exempt) association that was incorporated under Swiss law in 2016.

Our Core Values


We aim at shaping an environment where all living beings unfold their potential of a purposeful and joyful existence within the possibilities of interdependent systems.


We believe that all human beings have equal rights and are of equal value.


Humans hold a responsibility to stop harming and destroying nature, instead are responsible for taking care of it and learn from it. We all treat ourselves, others and nature with humility, respect and kindness.

Higher Purpose

Our purpose lies in jointly and collaboratively contributing to the greater good of all beings.

Our Guiding Principles

Be the change

We all aspire to live our values both as individuals as well as on a team level and reflect on them. We stand against any form of discrimination. 


We address current challenges and develop our activities in dialogue and synergy with other relevant actors.


We put societal impact on top of our hierarchy and will always choose societal impact over individual monetary profit. We care to sustain degrees of individual freedom of current and future generations. 


We learn and share learnings both for the deepening and boundary-crossing of knowledge in service of societal transformation. We work in a science-based manner, while valuing emergent and collective knowledge. 

Systems thinking and complexity

We acknowledge that many things are complex and interdependent. In designing our activities, we keep the context in mind while focusing on specific issues.


We are conscious that creating a beneficial impact on society requires an active scaling effort of transformative activities and is very rather different than only promoting innovation.